What are we trying to achieve?

  • Identify the most prominently singing bird in an audio recording
  • Listen to birds
  • Bird 1
  • Bird 2
  • Bird 3


Ringing 04 Ringing

Manual Point Count

Point Count Data

Automatic Point Count

Signal Classification

\[ X = \{(y_i, x_i)\}, i=1, \dots, N \]
\[ w = \arg\min_{w} \sum_{(y, x) \in X} loss(f(x), f_w(x)) \]

Feature Extraction

  • Reduce the size of the input
  • Trade-off between separability and contraction
\[ \Phi(x) \neq \Phi(x') \text{ if } f(x) \neq f(x') \]

Feature Extraction

\[ \begin{aligned} \text{if } & \Phi((x, y)) = x \text{ and } f((x, y)) = y \\ \text{ then } & f((3, 1)) \neq f((3, 2)) \\ \text{ but } & \Phi((3, 1)) = \Phi((3, 2)) \\ \end{aligned} \]

Separate Signal and Noise

Data Augmentation: Same Class

Data Augmentation: Noise

Feature Extraction

Convolutional Neural Network

Typical cnn

Goal of the Thesis

  • Goal: Improve upon the state-of-the-art baseline
  • New convolutional neural network architecture
  • New data augmentation technique
  • Meta-data fusion
  • Question: Can these techniques be used to improve classification accuracy?

Network architecture: deep residual neural networks

  • Introduce shortcuts
  • Allow training of very deep networks


\[ y = \mathcal{H}(x) = \mathcal{F}(x) + x \]

Data augmentation: Multiple-width frequency-delta

Image source: Yoonchang Han and Kyogu Lee. Acoustic scene classification using convolutional neural network and multiple-width frequency-delta data augmentation. 14(8):1–11, 2016

Meta-data fusion

\[ Pr(bird_j|elevation, song) = \\ \frac{Pr(bird_j|song)Pr(elevation|bird_j)} {\sum_{i=1}^n Pr(bird_i|song)Pr(elevation|bird_i)} \]

Pseudo probability

\[Pr(bird_j | song) \]
Typical cnn

Elevation likelihood

\[Pr(elevation | bird_j) \]

Elevation likelihood

\[Pr(elevation | bird_j) \]